Monday, June 22, 2009

Boxer's Power trip!

During a recent hearing of the senate's Environment and Public Works Committee; where General Walsh US Army was testifying. General Walsh began answering a question with "ma'am". Senator Boxer immediately interrupted him before he could finish. "You know, do me a favor," a clearly agitated Boxer said, "Could you say 'Senator' instead of 'ma'am?"

"Yes, ma'am," Walsh replied.

"It's just a thing, I worked so hard to get that title, so I'd appreciate it, yes, thank you," she said.

"Yes, Senator," he answered.

The great and mighty Senator Boxer is not a ma'am, she has worked hard for her title? Really I thought the people of the Great State of California gave her that title, it seems that Senator Boxer has forgotten just how she came to have that title and just who she is accountable to. Lets take a look here, does she practice what she preaches? Check out this youtube video that clearly shows Senator Boxer often fails to call other Senators, Governors, and even the President by their proper professional titles. So what gives her the right to interupt a General that was just being respectful to her. A General who by the way truly did earn his title. Talk about a power trip!!!